Welcome to the future home of Oh NO!


Welcome, and thank you for stopping by. Starting 9-11-00 I will be designing a technical support website for anyone who would like to learn more about their PC.  Everyone has problems that they encounter on a nearly daily bases.  I can say I have been in many of your shoes, and to a point I still am.  I would like to be able to create and distribute a HTML bases technical support program for those of you who are clueless.  To do so I must first see if I think it will sell.  I plan to offer step by step instructions on how to do everything from copy and pasting to rebuilding to upgradeing your computer’s hard ware.  All I ask right now is that your take 30 seconds to send me an email and let me know if you would be willing to pay for something like this.  If so how much would you be willing to pay for it, and if not why would you not be willing to pay for it?…….. Also, please feel free to ask any question I may can add to this program.

Please take a second to let me know what you think. My email address is [email protected].